Shriners Hospitals for Children Wants Everyone to “Be Burn Aware” Burn Awareness Week Kicks Off Annual Campaign

TAMPA, Florida — Feb. 7–13, 2021, is Burn Awareness Week. During this time, Shriners Hospitals for Children® launches its annual burn awareness and prevention campaign. Since the 1960s, Shriners Hospitals for Children has been a leader in burn care, research and education — and burn injury prevention is a key component in these efforts.

Burn Awareness Week is Shriners Hospitals for Children’s kickoff of a yearlong educational campaign aimed at burn awareness and prevention. Free educational materials, available via the website, are designed to be a resource for firefighters, teachers, parents and others concerned with the safety and well-being of children.

Building on the theme “Be Burn Aware,” we work to prevent burn injuries in the home, because that’s where most preventable burn injuries occur. Homes are the sites of thousands of burn injuries to children every year, including scalds, fire-related injuries, and even electrical burns. 

“The most important point to remember is that many of these types of burns are preventable,” said David Greenhalgh, M.D., chief of burns at Shriners Hospitals for Children — Northern California. 

Consequently, educating parents and families about burn injuries and some simple safety precautions they can take is an important part of the mission of Shriners Hospitals for Children. 

The burn awareness campaign features two child-friendly characters, Boots and Brewster – a caped, cuddly bear and a googly-eyed teapot – who are featured in activity books for children ages 3-7 and 8-12. The duo leads children through the various rooms of a house, pointing out dangers, and how to easily correct or avoid them. The coloring pages, word searches, cartoons and other activities are designed to grab children’s attention and present the information in a memorable, age-appropriate manner. The campaign also features various tip sheets and fact cards, all available online. Most of the materials are available in French and Spanish.

Shriners Hospitals has also created an animated video, Boots and Brewster: The Burn Awareness

Pair, which kids are sure to enjoy. In the video, available on, Boots and Brewster take viewers on a fun and educational adventure to help them become more burn aware. 

Shriners Hospitals for Children encourages everyone concerned with keeping children safe to visit for helpful burn prevention tips and information on how to order the free materials. 

About Shriners Hospitals for Children 

Shriners Hospitals for Children is changing lives every day by providing pediatric specialty care, conducting innovative  research and offering outstanding educational programs for medical professionals.  Our health care system provides care for children with orthopaedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate, regardless of the families’ ability to pay. Shriners Hospitals for Children is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and relies on the generosity of donors. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. For more information, please visit

Syria Shriners September Update

Upcoming Events:

October Quarterly Meeting Monday, October 5 in the Pavilion

We'll start the meeting at 7pm, and take care of some preliminary business. Then, we'll initiate worthy candidates in the Fun and Fellowship of the Shrine. Casual, dress, with your fez. Dress appropriately for the weather, as we will be meeting al fresco.

The Best Shows are at the Pittsburgh Shrine Center Pavilion

Treat yourself to a great day of music and help us to keep the lights on

Gathering Field in Concert Saturday, October 3, 8pm

One of the most successful bands to cemerge from the Pittsburgh music scene, The Gathering Field has recorded five albums during their stellar career. This is going to be an unforgettable evening in the physically-distanced setting of our beautiful pavilion. BUY GATHERING FIELD TICKETS HERE

Jerry Garcia Celebration with theCAUSE Saturday, October 10, 4pm

Jerry Garcia left us 25 years ago, but his musical legacy survives with Pittsburgh Jamband theCAUSE. You'll hear an acoustic set of Jerry & John music, an electric set of Jerry Garcia Band material, and another electric set of Grateful Dead tunes. Break out your tie-dye, and celebrate the life of this icon of American music! BUY TICKETS FOR theCAUSE HERE

Oktoberfest II with The Barons! Saturday, October 24, 2pm

Our first Oktoberfest event sold out two weeks ago, so we decided to roll out the barrel a second time, Saturday, October 24. Your tickets includes a sumptuous Oktoberfest meal, three Oktoberfest biers from Penn Brewery, and Pittsburgh's premier Oktoberfest band, The Barons!. Break out your lederhosen and dirndls, and get your fest on!  BUY TICKETS FOR OKTOBERFEST II HERE

Miller Lite Thunder Thursdays Wraps up a very successful first season with 4 more big shows

With precious little revenue coming into the Pittsburgh Shrine Center and Syria Shriners this year, one bright spot has been our Thursday night music series. Four show remain:

  • September 24: Tina Daniels Band and John Vento & Friends replace The Shiners to Rock for Rob Keller.

Shiners front man Rob Keller was profoundly injured in an horrific motorcycle accident while on a 10,000-mile ride to benefit homeless veterans. This week, we'll invite folks to contribute to defray the $1,000,000+ in medical expenses incurred by Rob and his family.

  • October 1: Stevee Wellons Band
  • October 8: Miss Freddye's Blues Band
  • October 15: The Nighthawks

Roadrunner joins the Century Club

Roadrunner Noble Ron Plesh recently completed his 100th Shriners Hospitals for ChildrenTM patient transportation trip, when he and his Roadrunner mentor, Don Wiles, took David S. from Sligo, PA to the SHC-Erie 

This is a remarkable milestone and we offer Ron a tip o' the fez and our heartfelt congratulations!

Ron Plesh 100th trip

Pavilion Lighting Upgrade

The 2019 First Lady Phyllis Weiss and the Divan Ladies had a tremendously successful fundraising year, and directed restricted gifts to Syria Shriners to replace the refrigerators in our pavilion kitchen, and upgrade the pavilion lighting to an energy-efficient LED lighting system, which will both brighten the facility and reduce our electricity consumption for lighting by 77%. Nobles Jack Jones, Gary Schwartz, Al Tedeschi, and Illustrious Sir Bill Weiss provided the labor for the job. Thanks, guys!.

Many thanks to Phyllis and the 2019 Divan Ladies!

Pavilion lights

Potentate's Ball Canceled

Another Coronavirus Casualty

After rescheduling from April 18, to October 24, and much back-and-forth, including planning to modify the event to facilitate holding it in our pavilion, the Illustrious Sir Don Taylor, and First Lady Eleanor, have reluctantly decided to forgo holding An Enchanted Evening: The 2020 Potentate's Ball. Refunds will be forthcoming to all who had purchased tickets. We are very sorry to have to announce this development, and wish Don & Eleanor all the best. A second Oktoberfest event, mentioned above, will replace the ball on our calendar.

Pittsburgh Shriners Present Live Summer Music Series

August 4, 2020 

Miller Lite Thunder Thursdays & Weekend Concerts Keep the Music Playing for Bands and Fans Alike

With precious few opportunities to enjoy live music this summer, Pittsburgh’s Syria Shriners have stepped into the breach to offer local bands and music fans an airy, covered outdoor venue for live shows in the Pavilion at the Pittsburgh Shrine Center in Harmar.

Every Thursday night, the Miller Lite Thunder Thursdays Summer Music Series features local bands with physically-distanced seating, no cover charge, and no fear of inclement weather spoiling the fun. And on many weekends, ticketed concert events keep the music playing all summer and into October.

Tasty Partnerships

The Shriners have teamed up with Ronny “Moondog” Esser to produce the series. Shriners business manager Bob Addleman says, “we are so very happy to partner with Moondog’s, the StarLite Lounge, and Band Together Pittsburgh to provide bands a place to play, and music lovers a place to enjoy them, in as safe an environment as we can offer. It’s been a tough year, and we are glad we have a facility that can host these events. Our pavilion can hold 1,000 people, so we can provide ample physical distancing and still have a nice audience for our musicians.”

Esser, who owns Moondog’s and the StarLite Lounge in Blawnox, and is the man behind the music at the Pittsburgh Blues & Roots Festival and the Eight Great Tuesdays series in Erie, calls the shows, “a ray of sunshine on an otherwise dismal year for music. Moondog’s has been closed since March, we’ve been able to do very little at the StarLite, the Blues & Roots Festival and the Erie concerts had to be canceled, The Shriners’ series gives bands a stage, and their fans a place to see and hear them perform. I’m overjoyed to be a part of it. When music is what you’ve lived your whole life, you need it to stay sane.”

Rockin’ Entertainment

The Thursday series started June 11, and runs through at least October 1. The Billy Price Band kicked off the weekend concerts, July 26. Bill Toms and Hard Rain, featuring the Soulville Horns, and special guest, the Aris Paul Band, play this Saturday, August 8.

Thursday evening shows are from 7-9pm, with gates opening at 6pm each week. Weekend shows begin at 4pm, with gates opening for general admission at 3pm, and early entry at 2:30pm. Tickets to weekend concerts are available at

Upcoming Shows:

(More dates and performers will be announced soon.)

Thursday, August 6   The Stevee Wellons Band
Saturday, August 8 Bill Toms and Hard Rain, featuring the Soulville Horns, with the Aris Paul Band (Get Tickets Here!)
Thursday, August 13  The Tina Daniels Band
Thursday, August 20 Blues Society of Western Pennsylvania Night with Bobby Thompson and The Groove
Thursday, August 27 The Bail Jumpers
Thursday, September 3 Bubs McKeg & The Aces
Thursday, September 10 Shot O’ Soul
Thursday, September 17 Curtis and the SHAKERZ
Thursday, September 24 The Shiners

About Pittsburgh’s Syria Shriners

With nearly 4,000 members in Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh’s Syria Shriners is one of the largest of the nearly 200 local chapters of Shriners International worldwide. The goal of the Shriners is to be the premiere fraternal organization for men of good character. The Shriners are committed to providing attractive, quality programs and services for its members, their families, friends, and the community in a spirit of fun, fellowship and philanthropy. Shriners foster self-improvement through leadership, education, the perpetuation of moral values and community involvement. Shriners serve humankind through the resources of its great philanthropy, the Shriners Hospitals for Children®. For more information, please visit

Syria Shriners August, 2020 Update

Proceeds benefit Syria Shriners. Ticket price is NOT tax deductibleWe have received approval from the Allegheny County Health Department to hold physically-distanced events at our facilities. Outdoor events are considerably easier to schedule right now, but we're able to have limited indoor events, too. Time to make hay while the sun shines, at least from a fundraising standpoint. We need to support and encourage our friends to join the fun on Thunder Thursdays Bike Nights, and read on for an exciting new fundraiser that will be critical to making the most of our fraternal fundraising opportunities this year.

Watch for additional communication, check our website at, and follow our Facebook page for ongoing information as developments unfold.

Meanwhile, stay well. We look forward to seeing you soon.


Clearly, this has been a very challenging year for Syria Shriners from a financial standpoint, and more, but particularly financially. We have been unable to do anything in our building since mid-March. Our wedding, prom, and corporate events have disappeared. Our important fundraisers from the Sportsmen's Bash to the First Choice Wine Festival, the North Hills Homebrewer's Fest, the fall Night at the Races, and our 3-day Rocktoberfest Pittsburgh festival have all been canceled, as have many of our pavilion rentals for outside events, leaving a gaping hole in the revenue side of our budget. We are doing everything possible to control expenses. For example, our office has been closed since March 16, and our facilities staff is operating with absolute minimum hours and workers. We have suspended publication of the VOICE of Syria Shriners, because there are no activities, and because we want to save the costs involved in production and mailing.


Our summer music events are doing well for us, and as we've been trying to do for years, we are drawing the general public to our facility, showing them a good time, and making some money in the process. Participation from our members, however, has been minimal. If even two per cent of our members would attend, we would reach our capacity every week.

That's why we need to count on YOU to help. It is important that you support our summer music series to the extent that you are able. Our Thursday night shows, and our ticketed weekend concerts, presented OUTDOORS in our spacious pavilion, with four seats to a table normally used by eight people, and all the tables distanced from one another, and mask protocols in place, are vitally important in helping us generate revenue and keep the wolf away from the door. If you can't personally attend these events for whatever reason, from personal income loss, to concern about public events, schedule conflicts, your taste in music, or your distance from the Shrine Center, please do what you can to support them, and please share them with your friends on Facebook and other social media. Talk with your friends about them. Ask them to join you for a very fun night or afternoon out.

We hope a dues increase is not necessary, but without YOUR ACTIVE SUPPORT NOW, that may well be an inevitable eventuality in the very near future. PLEASE DO YOUR PART TO SUPPORT YOUR TEMPLE. Thanks!

Call For Email Update Help

We're looking for someone to take over creation of these periodic email updates. If this is in your wheelhouse, and you're interested in helping out, please click HERE to email the Recorder.

Quarterly Meeting Canceled

Given current restrictions on indoor gatherings in Allegheny County, the complete lack of business to come before the body, and the shortened interval between the third and fourth Quarterly Meetings, and the less-than-satisfying experience of hold ing our last Quarterly meeting electornically, the Quarterly Meeting scheduled for August 3 has been canceled. We will next hold a Quarterly Meeting on Monday, October 5, at 7:30pm, in the Pittsburgh Shrine Center Ballroom, if possible, or using the ZOOM platform, if necessary.

This month at Pittsburgh Shrine Center


Syria Shriners, in conjunction with Moondog's & the StarLite Lounge, proudly presents the Miller Lite Thunder Thursdays Summer Music Series, all summer long in the spacious Pittsburgh Shrine Center Pavilion, continuing weekly through October 1. We're excited to have this speical opportunity to add much-needed funds to our coffers in this challenging financial year.

Gates open weekly at 6pm, and the live music begins at 7pm. We wrap things up on stage at 9pm, so you won't have to stay up past your bedtime to have a good time. The StarLite Lounge, featured on Food Network's Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives, will be on hand to feed you. A full bar will be available. All events are rain or shine. You know our pavilion is impervious to inclement weather (and we've had plenty so far this summer), so the shows will go on, without regard to any raindrops we may see. YOUR support is critical to the success of this series.

NEVER A COVER ... BUT ALWAYS UNDER COVER - Plenty of great Miller Lite giveaways! - Attendance is limited to 250, so come early!

The Thunder rolls again this Thursday with the sultry blues, jazz, and rocks sounds of the Stevee Wellons Band. This group of seasoned pros has done it all over the years, in a variety of this area's greatest bands, and they'll be doin' it again for us on our very own Pitttsburgh Shrine Center pavilion stage Thursday night!

Check out Stevee and company below.

Watch this space for more information on the bands, vendors, and other fun stuff in store.

Please do your best to support this series. Mark your calendar, tell your friends, and be sure to share on your social media accounts!



  • August 6 The Stevee Wellons Band
  • August 13 Tina Daniels Band
  • August 20 Bobby Thompson and The Groove
  • August 27 The Bail Jumpers

Ladies Luncheon Saturday, August 8 Honors First Lady Eleanor Taylor

The 2020 Ladies Luncheon, honoring Syria Shriners First Lady Eleanor Taylor is fast approaching on Saturday, August 8. Doors open at 10:30am, and the program gets under way at 11:15am. Lady Debbie Green is chairing the event, and Lady Kathy Steinheiser is handling tickets and seating arrangements. Click here for reservations.

Due to physical distancing guidelines, tables will now need to be four or six ladies, rather than eight or ten, and tables will be placed in such a way as to guarantee a safer environment for all guests. Thank you for understanding. We will try to accommodate your seating requests as best we can.

Let's have a great day to honor a special Lady! Plan to stick around for the fabulous concert below!

Bill Toms and Hard Rain, featuring the Soulville Horns with special guest, Aris Paul Band, Saturday, August 8


Pittsburgh rock 'n' roll legend Bill Toms returns to the Pittsburgh Shrine Center Pavilion, THIS SATURDAY, August 8 at 4pm. Bill and his band Hard Rain are backed by the fabulous Soulville Horns, featuring Syria Shriners Noble Steve Graham on trombone, Phil Brontz on sax, and George Archer on trumpet.

Bill Toms launched his musical career in 1987 as lead guitarist of Pittsburgh’s legendary band Joe Grushecky and The Houserockers, During that period, he opened for and played with such legendary names as The Band, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Little Feat, and Stevie Ray Vaughn. While playing guitar, co-writing, and adding backup vocals for the Houserockers, Toms and the band recorded six studio albums and one live concert album together. In 1995, The Houserockers released American Babylon, which was recorded and produced by Springsteen himself.

With nine studio albums and last year's Live! CD under their belt, Bill Toms and Hard Rain have been delighting audiences across the USA and in Europe for many years since.

As a solo artist, Toms has opened for the likes of Buddy Guy, Levon Helm, Marshall Crenshaw, The Kennedys, Steve Forbert, and Ellis Paul.

The current pandemic has severely limited our opprotunities to catch this great act, and we've got them, this coming Saturday!

Award-winning singer-songwriter/gutiarist Aris Paul and his band will wopen the show.

General admission tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the gate. Showtime is 4pm. General admission opens at 3pm. Early entry tickets, at $25, get you in at 2:30pm, and your first drink is on the house!

For more info on these outstanding bands, click the photos above.

Early entry & advance tickets available below. Tickets are moving fast. Don't get shut out. Trust me, you don't want to miss this show!



The Big Band is Back!! (We hope!)

Swing Time Nights Scheduled to Return Friday, August 21

Swing Time Nights, featuring the Syria Shriners Stage Band, return to the Pittsburgh Shrine Center Ballroom, Friday, August 21, The band was just ready to kick off its 2020 season when Shrine activities were suspended, so the July date marks the band's 2020 debut. The music starts at 7pm, and admission is $5 at the door. Come on out and swing!


  • Miller Lite Thunder Thursdays continue!
  • More concert dates to be announced!
  • Oktoberfest Returns to the Pittsburgh Shrine Center Pavilion, Sunday, September 27! Always one of our most popular events . Stay tuned for more information!

CASH Give-A-Way Lottery Fundraiser Crucial to Success

by Randy Hobaugh, Second Ceremonial Master

I would like to share with you a new Syria Shrine fundraiser that will replace our long-standing Car Raffle. For the past couple of years, the raffle ticket sales have been declining, and it’s time to introduce something new. With that said, this year we will be kicking off a $25,000 HOLIDAY CASH GIVE-A-WAY .

This lottery fundraiser will be given away during the week of Christmas.

Syria Holiday Cash Give-A-Way Ticket will be sold for $10 per ticket, with a total giveaway of $25,000.

The prizes will be awarded on the PA Lottery 7pm Daily Pick 4, and two numbers will be printed on each ticket.

Prizes will be awarded as follows:

  • December 21 - $ 500
  • December 22 - $ 1,000
  • December 23 - $ 1,500
  • December 24 - $ 2,000
  • December 25 - $20,000 Grand Prize

We really need to sell all 5,000 tickets to optimize this fundraiser. We are very much hoping that everyone can buy and/or sell tickets to support this effort. Please do your best to help reduce our deficit, and avoid dues increases.

Proceeds benefit Syria Shriners. Ticket price is NOT tax deductible

Pittsburgh Shrine Center Office Closure

The Pittsburgh Shrine Center and Syria Shriners business office remains closed until further notice. Please keep our office and facilities staff, and our entire Syria Shriners family in your prayers. We all need to remember each other during this trying period. Call your fellow Shriners, and look after their well-being. Run errands to the grocery or drug store if your situation allows, and theirs does not.

Stay Informed!

There is so much misinformation being shared on social media and by email. Do yourself, and all of us, a favor, and go right to a trusted source for your information. Please don't pass along things you've seen posted or things you've been sent unless they have come directly from a legitimate public health or government authority. Click on the image to the left to visit the federal government's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, FEMA and the White House at

Here's a link to local information from the Allegheny County Health Department.

4th of July Syria Shriners Weekend Update

We have entered the green phase of Pennsylvania's reopening and recovery plan, in all parts of our oasis. Time to make hay while the sun shines, at least from a fundraising standpoint. We need to support and encourage our friends to join the fun on Thunder Thursdays Bike Nights, and read on for an exciting new fundraiser that will be critical to making the most of our fraternal fundraising opportunities this year.

Watch for additional communication, check our website at, and follow our Facebook page for ongoing information as developments unfold.

Meanwhile, stay well. We look forward to seeing you soon.

>>You can view our ongoing coverage and news during the coronavirus pandemic at this link here

Happy Independence Day!

Yesterday, we celebrated the 244th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America as a free and sovereign nation, rejecting colonial British rule. May the federal republic we forged thereafter under our Constitution endure forever!



Syria Shriners, in conjunction with Moondog's & the StarLite Lounge, proudly presents Miller Lite Thunder Thursdays Bike Nights, all summer long in the spacious Pittsburgh Shrine Center Pavilion, continuing weekly through October 1. You may have noticed we've extended the fun for four weeks, and we're excited to extend this opportunity to add much-needed funds to our coffers in this challenging financial year..


Gates open weekly at 6pm, and the live music begins at 7pm. We wrap things up on stage at 9pm, so you won't have to stay up past your bedtime to have a good time. The StarLite Lounge, featured on Food Network's Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives, will be on hand to feed you. A full bar will be available. All events are rain or shine. You know our pavilion is impervious to inclement weather, so the shows will go on, without regard to any raindrops we may see.


Attendance is limited to 250, so come early!

Watch this space every week for more information on the bands, vendors, and other fun stuff in store.

Please do your best to support this series. Mark your calendar, tell your friends, and be sure to share on your social media accounts!



  • July 9 The Shiners
  • July 16 Tina Daniels Band
  • July 23 Miss Fredeye
  • July 30 Curtis and the Shakers

Billy Price Brings His Soulful Blues Sound to the Pavilion Sunday July 26

The Pittsburgh Blues & Roots Festival was forced to cancel its annual two-day event this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we have a one-day cure for your blues on Sunday, July 26, when the award-winning Billy Price, nominated for two 2020 Blues Music Awards, returns to the Pittsburgh Shrine Center Pavilion for a Sunday revival.Enter your text here...

After first gaining international attention recording and touring with the late, great guitarist Roy Buchanan, Billy was a Pittsburgh mainstay for many years, and was a 2016 inductee to the Pittsburgh Rock N' Roll Legends hall of fame. After retiring from his "day gig" at CMU, Billy now hangs his hat and sunglasses in Baltimore, so he doesn't play too often in our area any more. You'll want to catch him while you can, and we've got him!

Billy is touring in support of his current release, Dog Eat Dog, which has garnered him two nominations (Best Soul Blues Album, Best Male Soul Blues Vocalist) for this year's Blues Music Awards.

General admission tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the gate. Showtime is 4pm. General admission opens at 3pm. Early entry tickets, at $25, get you in at 2:30pm, and your first drink is on the house!

A special guest will join Billy to open the show. Stay tuned for more details.

For more info on Billy, click the photo above.

Early entry, and advance tickets are available below.

Proceeds benefit Syria Shriners. Ticket price is NOT tax deductible

2020 CASH Give-A-Way Lottery Fundraiser

By Randy Hobaugh, Second Ceremonial Master

I would like to share with you a new Syria Shrine fundraiser that will replace our long-standing Car Raffle. For the past couple of years, the raffle ticket sales have been declining, and it’s time to introduce something new. With that said, this year we will be kicking off a $25,000 HOLIDAY CASH GIVE-A-WAY.

This lottery fundraiser will be given away during the week of Christmas.

Syria Holiday Cash Give-A-Way Ticket will be sold for $10 per ticket, with a total giveaway of $25,000.

The prizes will be awarded on the PA Lottery 7pm Daily Pick 4, and two numbers will be printed on each ticket. Prizes will be awarded as follows:

  • December 21 - $ 500
  • December 22 - $ 1,000
  • December 23 - $ 1,500
  • December 24 - $ 2,000
  • December 25 - $20,000 Grand Prize

We really need to sell all 5,000 tickets to optimize this fundraiser. We are very much hoping that everyone can buy and/or sell tickets to support this effort. Please do your best to help reduce our deficit, and avoid dues increases. 

Proceeds benefit Syria Shriners. Ticket price is NOT tax deductible

Sportsmen's Bash Canceled

Please send all of your sold stubs and accompanying money immediately to:

Kenneth D. Stuart 1185 Astronaut Circle Pittsburgh, PA 15241

Tuesday, June 23, the Syria Shriners Board of Directors reluctantly reached the decision to cancel the Sportsmen's Bash for 2020. We felt we had no choice but to cancel, given the restrictions limiting large gatherings.

If you have checks or cash you can return to folks who bought a ticket from you, please do so, as it will save us postage and labor in processing refunds.

Simply write on the back of the stub "REFUNDED" and send the stub to:

Syria Shriners
1877 Schriners Way
Cheswick, PA 15024

We will be issuing refunds to all ticket holders whose stubs and payments have been previous received. We will process refunds as soon as possible, but ask for your patience as we work through the orders we have received.

We'll be back next year, bigger and better than ever, on Saturday, June 19, 2021.

Save the date! Mark your calendar now!

The Big Band is Back!! Swing Time Nights Return July 17

Swing Time Nights, featuring the Syria Shriners Stage Band, return to the Pittsburgh Shrine Center Ballroom, Friday, July 17, The band was just ready to kick off its 2020 season when Shrine activities were suspended, so the July date marks the band's 2020 debut. The music starts at 7pm, and admission is $5 at the door. Come on out and swing!

Butler Luncheon Club Resumes Activities

Dear fellow Nobles:

After a three month hiatus, we have finally received the approval from Syria Shriners to resume our weekly meeting for the Butler Shrine Luncheon Club! Hallelujah!

Accordingly, WE WILL RESUME ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, at 11:30 AM at American Legion Post #778, Kohler Ave., Lyndora.

We will necessarily be following the distancing guidelines as set forth by the Shrine and other authorities. We do ask that you wear a mask, except, of course, when we’re eating.

In addition, we are pleased to report that our Potentate will be our guest on July 29. That will be Ladies Day, and we’ll be meeting in the main room at American Legion Post #778.

If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact Secretary George Bonnett, at 724-287-5345.

We are certainly looking forward to resuming our meetings!

Yours Truly,
John R. Stokes

​​In Case You Missed It

With continuing support from Shriners Children'sTM, last night, for the 4,931st consecutive Saturday night, the show went on at the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville with a very special Independence Day show, featuring The Oak Ridge Boys, Sara Evans, and Mark Wills, keeping the music playing in Music City, once again without a live audience. Click the image to the right and enjoy the show.

SC has kept the music playing the last 16 Saturdays. See all the shows here.

Pittsburgh Shrine Center Office Closure

The Pittsburgh Shrine Center
office remains closed until further notice. Please keep our office and facilities staff, and our entire Syria Shriners family in your prayers. We all need to remember each other during this trying period. Call your fellow Shriners, and look after their well-being. Run errands to the grocery or drug store if your situation allows, and theirs does not.

Pittsburgh Shrine Center Reopening

Units, Caravans and Clubs may now meet in the Pittsburgh Shrine Center.

In keeping with the Grand Master's directive of May 15, you must continue to practice physical distancing, and follow all guidelines from the CDC, state and local public health authorities. Accordingly, for now, gatherings are limited to a maximum of 250 people. Please be certain to maintain a clean and safe environment in our building and on our grounds.

Rescheduled Events

Canceled & Postponed Events not yet rescheduled

Miller Lite Thunder Thursdays for July 9 has been canceled. We hope to resume the series, Thursday, July 16.

The Sportsmans' Bash, scheduled for the Pittsburgh Shrine Center pavilion on Saturday, June 20, and postponed to Saturday, September 5, has now been canceled.

The 2020 MASA fall convention, scheduled for September 9-12 in Virginia Beach has been canceled.

The fall Night at the Races fundraiser, scheduled for Saturday, September 19, has been canceled.

Fort Ligonier Days, scheduled for October 9-11, has been canceled for this year.






We've gone Green, What does that mean?

Here's a summary from WESA-FM of what's open, and what the "new rules" are. Click here: What's open? Do I have to wear a mask?

Taking care of ourselves and each other

Let's make sure we look out for each other as we navigate our way through the "new normal." While we practice physical distancing, let's be sure no one goes without vital social contact. Reach out to your fellow Nobles, Lodge Brothers, friends, family and neighbors. If your situation allows, run an errand to the grocery store, pharmacy or other essential business for someone who can't, or really shouldn't, be leaving their home right now. And while you're at it, be sure to take proper precautions like those below.

​Stay Informed!

There is so much misinformation being shared on social media and by email. Do yourself, and all of us a favor, and go right to a trusted source for your information. Please don't pass along things your seen posted or things you've been sent unless they have come directly from a legitimate public health or government authority. Click on the image to the left to visit the federal government's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, FEMA and the White House at