Time to Shrine, Syria! Shriners Awareness Day is June 6

Grab your Fez, Nobles, because it is time to showcase that Shriner Pride on Thursday, June 6th, 2019!

A little background from Shriners International below and a list of 6 simple things that YOU can do to show how proud we are to be Syria Shriners on Shriners Awareness Day:

On June 6, 1876, Shriners International (formerly known as the Imperial Grand Council of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine for the United States of America) was founded. While our Order has seen many changes throughout the years, the depth of our vision and the might of our mission have remained unchanged. Shriners International is more than a fraternity; it is a fraternal organization of men who are dedicated to brotherhood, compassion and service to others.

>>>  Check out the Shriner Primer! >>>

Thanks to our rich history and in celebration of the founding of our Imperial Council 143 years ago, June 6th of each year is forever known as “Shriners International Awareness Day” – a special day of recognition when you are encouraged to proclaim your pride in being a Shriner!

Please work with your temple leaders and your membership team in establishing a plan to share your pride and enthusiasm in being a part of our great fraternity!

  1. Post a photo of yourself on social media wearing your fez, utilizing the following hashtags: #proudshriners #shrinersawarenessday and #iamru
  2. Attend a special event or activity at your temple, club or unit
  3. Discuss the mission and vision of Shriners International & Shriners Hospitals for Children with your friends, family members and coworkers
  4. Proudly display your fez in a place of prominence at work or at home
  5. Wear a hat, shirt, pin or other item with the fraternal logo to help recognize fellow Shriners
  6. Refer a man of good character to our IAMRU new member referral program at beashrinernow.com/referral

This referral program goes hand-in-hand with our awareness campaign, as it is a unique opportunity to educate other men of character within our community of the values and mission supported by Shriners everywhere!

Make this your time to Shrine!

So, on Thursday June 6th it is our time to Shrine, Nobles!

2019 North Hills Home Brew Fest Winners!

From Master Brew Fest Organizer Bryan Llewellyn..

Thank you everyone that came out to the 2019 North Hills Home Brew Fest, it was a great time! Of course it could not happen without the Shriners, and the brewers, you guys really out did yourselves!

Events like this can't happen without lots of help and support so thank you to anyone that took time out of their busy lives to help put this together and volunteer at the event. Ed, Dennis, Dennis, Jason, James, Bob, Bill, and many more.

Also please don't forget to continue your support of the vendors and companies that donated prizes we had at the event.

Penn Brewery, First Sip Brew Box, Vape Galeria, Keggle Brewing, CNC Malting, Painting with a Twist, Vagabond Tacos, Oakmont BBQ, Hop Nation USA, Yetters Candy, Pink Zebra, Monte Cellos, At Home, Shubrew, Arsenal Cider, Giant Eagle, Caliante Pizza, Casey's Pizza, The Big Pour, Brewswag, and if I left anyone please excuse and let me know in a comment below.

Cheers! Stay tuned for details on next year's event in May of 2020!

A big thanks to Hop Nation USA for joining us at the 2019 North Hills Home Brew Fest. Give their Podcast a listen below, it was recorded LIVE at the 2019 NHHBF! Hear from Master Brew Fest organizers Bryan Llewellyn and Dennis Raible, and take in a little of Syria Shriners' history and beer knowledge from Past Potentate and Syria Shriners Recorder Bob Addleman!

North Hills Home Brew Fest 

2019 Winners

  • Grand Prize – Hounds Run Brewing – Bucco Blue
  • Blind Tasting Runner ups:
  • Steel Bridge Brewing Co. – Stout/Porter
  • Squid’ rew – Saison Beta
  • Hop Nation USA – Sippy Black Ice
  • Hilltop Hopery – Pseudo Zen
  • Bruxedo Brewing - This Ain't Your Nana's Peach Cobbler
  • Brewbeque - Gimmick
  • Burning Bridges Fermenteria – Alternate Ending
  • Glenshaw Brewing – Coffee Kolsch
  • Creekside Craft Beers - Volkbier

Caring donations made to Shriners Hospitals for Children, Erie

toy delivery erie hospital

On February 4, 2019 noble Donald Green and his wife, Debra from Munhall were thrilled to deliver a car full of toys to Becky and her staff at the Shriners Hospital for Children- Erie.

The toys were given by an anonymous donor with the hope of bringing smiles to the faces of the children at the hospital.

donation shriners hospitals february

Al Douglas (left) and Barry Hootman, MD (right), members of the Board of Governors at Shriners Hospitals for Children, Erie, present checks totaling $16,200 to Bob Stevenson (center), Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors.

Shriners’ Caravan 15 and New Castle Lions Deliver Christmas Toys

On December 12, members of Shriners Caravan 15 and New Castle Lions Club delivered 7 large boxes of Christmas toys to the Shriner’s Hospital in Erie.

The Hospital’s Director of Development expressed the Hospital’s appreciation for all the toys and said that the delivery was very timely.

The Hospital held their annual Christmas Party on Monday, December 17 where over 100 children will attend.

Also, that day, three more boxes of toys were delivered to the Family Craft Center for transportation to the Ronald McDonald House at Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh.

These toys were made possible through the efforts of the US Army Reserve Center personnel. Making children happy at Christmas is what it is all about.

A Message from 2019 Potenate, William Weiss

First, and foremost, thank you fellow Nobles for electing me as your 2019 Potentate.

In 2013 Illustrious Sir Michael S. Mammay, P.P., appointed me to the line as 2nd Ceremonial Master. 

At the time, it seemed like a long road to be sitting in the “Big Chair.” But, from this end of the road, I am having a difficult time understanding where the time has gone.

2019 potentate William Weiss

Maybe time can fly, but in the travels of Lady Phyllis and I, we have met many new friends and will cherish the memories of our time in Shrinedom.

The income to keep our Shrine Center operating is derived primarily from Membership Dues, Rental Income and Fraternal Fundraising. With the loss of the Shrine Circus, new fundraisers will be needed to replace this lost revenue. Plans are for two “A Night at the Races.” Also, more effort will be made to increase the attendance and net proceeds from existing fundraisers through new methods of promotion to the public.

Lady Phyllis and I have chosen to make improvements to the Shrine Pavilion as Potentate and First Lady projects. A “Wish List” for the Shrine Center is being developed and will be published soon for all to see and perhaps dedicate donations toward listed items or projects.

The “Syria Shriners Sons of Veterans” unit is very close to petitioning for a Charter. If your parent or grand-parent served in the armed forces of their country, you are eligible to join this unit.

This year, Master Masons will have six opportunities to become a Syria Shriner. They can attend the June 5th Spring Ceremonial, the November 18th Fall Ceremonial, or they can receive a short-form obligation prior to one of the Syria Shrine Quarterly Meetings.

Petitions must be submitted to the Recorders Office prior to the Board of Directors meeting preceding the Ceremonial or Quarterly Meeting for processing.

Here is something that hasn’t been done at the Shrine Center for years. The week of February 17th through February 23rd is declared “Syria Shrine Center Spring Cleaning Week.” All Shrine Units and other groups using or storing items in the Shrine Center are asked to inventory their items and dispose of unnecessary material and equipment. Display cases should be cleaned, and trophy displays updated. With more public traffic in the Shrine Center, let’s make Syria “Shine.”

May you all have “Fair Winds and Following Seas.”

William L. Weiss