Category Archives for Shriners Hospitals News

Determined Shriners Hospitals Patient Overcomes Incredible Odds Following Lumbar Spinal Surgery to Accomplish Goal of Running a Marathon

Shriners Hospitals for Children patient and Pittsburgh resident Mariela Benitez recently shared her inspiring story with Pittsburgh's Syria Shriners.

"As a kid, Shriner's Hospital in Tampa, FL was the place I felt invincible in. The doctors, nurses, PCTs, volunteers, and all the other staff were always there with a smiling face," Mariela said. "They were some of the first people (besides my mom) to show me I was capable of anything, if I set my mind to it. I'm a way, you could say they taught me how to be stubborn."

Her determination to overcome surgery and complete a marathon following a 2019 car accident is nothing short of heartwarming. Read on below...

I was a Tampa, FL Shriner's patient in the 90s and 00s. I have so much to thank Shriner's staff and to the Masons that help support the hospital and the cause. 

12/2019 I injured my back in a car accident. My doctor encouraged lumbar spine surgery in hopes it would help alleviate the pain. I underwent a discectomy in 09/30/21.

When I asked my surgeon if he thought I could run a marathon he said "you're very determined and I know if you want to you will." I said, "doctor, you can say I'm stubborn." He smiled and said "you can do anything you set your mind to, and I know you'll modify if/when you need to because you're very aware of your body." I like to think it was all the years I spent as a Shriner's patient, where I had to learn to verbalize my pain and my soothers.

As a result, I decided to set up Fundraise for LOVE — Florida as a way to dedicate my run to an organization that gave so much to me.

Well, Shriner's family, I accomplished my goal to run a marathon on 09/12/21, just 18 days short of 1 year since my spine surgery. My back is fantastic, although my feet/ toes beg to differ.

I'd just like to say thank you for everything you've ever done for kids that started like me. Living in Pittsburgh now, it's always a joy when I'm reminded of the Shriner's family that will always be a part of me.

Thank you,
Mariela Benitez

Our 2021 Illustrious Sir, Noble Donald I Green is a longtime fan of Mariela and tremendous spirit. Green was quoted as saying, "This is what Shriners do - Helping Kids."

Shriners Hospitals for Children Wants Everyone to “Be Burn Aware” Burn Awareness Week Kicks Off Annual Campaign

TAMPA, Florida — Feb. 7–13, 2021, is Burn Awareness Week. During this time, Shriners Hospitals for Children® launches its annual burn awareness and prevention campaign. Since the 1960s, Shriners Hospitals for Children has been a leader in burn care, research and education — and burn injury prevention is a key component in these efforts.

Burn Awareness Week is Shriners Hospitals for Children’s kickoff of a yearlong educational campaign aimed at burn awareness and prevention. Free educational materials, available via the website, are designed to be a resource for firefighters, teachers, parents and others concerned with the safety and well-being of children.

Building on the theme “Be Burn Aware,” we work to prevent burn injuries in the home, because that’s where most preventable burn injuries occur. Homes are the sites of thousands of burn injuries to children every year, including scalds, fire-related injuries, and even electrical burns. 

“The most important point to remember is that many of these types of burns are preventable,” said David Greenhalgh, M.D., chief of burns at Shriners Hospitals for Children — Northern California. 

Consequently, educating parents and families about burn injuries and some simple safety precautions they can take is an important part of the mission of Shriners Hospitals for Children. 

The burn awareness campaign features two child-friendly characters, Boots and Brewster – a caped, cuddly bear and a googly-eyed teapot – who are featured in activity books for children ages 3-7 and 8-12. The duo leads children through the various rooms of a house, pointing out dangers, and how to easily correct or avoid them. The coloring pages, word searches, cartoons and other activities are designed to grab children’s attention and present the information in a memorable, age-appropriate manner. The campaign also features various tip sheets and fact cards, all available online. Most of the materials are available in French and Spanish.

Shriners Hospitals has also created an animated video, Boots and Brewster: The Burn Awareness

Pair, which kids are sure to enjoy. In the video, available on, Boots and Brewster take viewers on a fun and educational adventure to help them become more burn aware. 

Shriners Hospitals for Children encourages everyone concerned with keeping children safe to visit for helpful burn prevention tips and information on how to order the free materials. 

About Shriners Hospitals for Children 

Shriners Hospitals for Children is changing lives every day by providing pediatric specialty care, conducting innovative  research and offering outstanding educational programs for medical professionals.  Our health care system provides care for children with orthopaedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate, regardless of the families’ ability to pay. Shriners Hospitals for Children is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and relies on the generosity of donors. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. For more information, please visit

Syria Shriners September Update

Upcoming Events:

October Quarterly Meeting Monday, October 5 in the Pavilion

We'll start the meeting at 7pm, and take care of some preliminary business. Then, we'll initiate worthy candidates in the Fun and Fellowship of the Shrine. Casual, dress, with your fez. Dress appropriately for the weather, as we will be meeting al fresco.

The Best Shows are at the Pittsburgh Shrine Center Pavilion

Treat yourself to a great day of music and help us to keep the lights on

Gathering Field in Concert Saturday, October 3, 8pm

One of the most successful bands to cemerge from the Pittsburgh music scene, The Gathering Field has recorded five albums during their stellar career. This is going to be an unforgettable evening in the physically-distanced setting of our beautiful pavilion. BUY GATHERING FIELD TICKETS HERE

Jerry Garcia Celebration with theCAUSE Saturday, October 10, 4pm

Jerry Garcia left us 25 years ago, but his musical legacy survives with Pittsburgh Jamband theCAUSE. You'll hear an acoustic set of Jerry & John music, an electric set of Jerry Garcia Band material, and another electric set of Grateful Dead tunes. Break out your tie-dye, and celebrate the life of this icon of American music! BUY TICKETS FOR theCAUSE HERE

Oktoberfest II with The Barons! Saturday, October 24, 2pm

Our first Oktoberfest event sold out two weeks ago, so we decided to roll out the barrel a second time, Saturday, October 24. Your tickets includes a sumptuous Oktoberfest meal, three Oktoberfest biers from Penn Brewery, and Pittsburgh's premier Oktoberfest band, The Barons!. Break out your lederhosen and dirndls, and get your fest on!  BUY TICKETS FOR OKTOBERFEST II HERE

Miller Lite Thunder Thursdays Wraps up a very successful first season with 4 more big shows

With precious little revenue coming into the Pittsburgh Shrine Center and Syria Shriners this year, one bright spot has been our Thursday night music series. Four show remain:

  • September 24: Tina Daniels Band and John Vento & Friends replace The Shiners to Rock for Rob Keller.

Shiners front man Rob Keller was profoundly injured in an horrific motorcycle accident while on a 10,000-mile ride to benefit homeless veterans. This week, we'll invite folks to contribute to defray the $1,000,000+ in medical expenses incurred by Rob and his family.

  • October 1: Stevee Wellons Band
  • October 8: Miss Freddye's Blues Band
  • October 15: The Nighthawks

Roadrunner joins the Century Club

Roadrunner Noble Ron Plesh recently completed his 100th Shriners Hospitals for ChildrenTM patient transportation trip, when he and his Roadrunner mentor, Don Wiles, took David S. from Sligo, PA to the SHC-Erie 

This is a remarkable milestone and we offer Ron a tip o' the fez and our heartfelt congratulations!

Ron Plesh 100th trip

Pavilion Lighting Upgrade

The 2019 First Lady Phyllis Weiss and the Divan Ladies had a tremendously successful fundraising year, and directed restricted gifts to Syria Shriners to replace the refrigerators in our pavilion kitchen, and upgrade the pavilion lighting to an energy-efficient LED lighting system, which will both brighten the facility and reduce our electricity consumption for lighting by 77%. Nobles Jack Jones, Gary Schwartz, Al Tedeschi, and Illustrious Sir Bill Weiss provided the labor for the job. Thanks, guys!.

Many thanks to Phyllis and the 2019 Divan Ladies!

Pavilion lights

Potentate's Ball Canceled

Another Coronavirus Casualty

After rescheduling from April 18, to October 24, and much back-and-forth, including planning to modify the event to facilitate holding it in our pavilion, the Illustrious Sir Don Taylor, and First Lady Eleanor, have reluctantly decided to forgo holding An Enchanted Evening: The 2020 Potentate's Ball. Refunds will be forthcoming to all who had purchased tickets. We are very sorry to have to announce this development, and wish Don & Eleanor all the best. A second Oktoberfest event, mentioned above, will replace the ball on our calendar.

BE BURN AWARE: Shriners Hospitals for Children Kicks Off Annual Burn Prevention Campaign with Burn Awareness Week

(Syria Shrine – Pittsburgh, PA) -- Feb. 2–8, 2020, is Burn Awareness Week.

During this time, Shriners Hospitals for Children® will begin its annual burn awareness and prevention campaign. Since the 1960s, Shriners Hospitals for Children has been a leader in burn care, research and education — and burn injury prevention is a key component in these efforts. 

Burn Awareness Week is Shriners Hospitals for Children’s kickoff of a yearlong educational campaign aimed at burn awareness and prevention. Free educational materials, available via the website, are designed to be a resource for firefighters, teachers, parents and others concerned with the safety and well-being of children. 

Building on the theme “Be Burn Aware,” our focus is on preventing burn injuries in the home, because most preventable burn injuries occur in residences. Homes are the sites of thousands of burn injuries to children every year, including scalds, fire-related injuries, and even electrical burns. Many of these types of incidents may be prevented by implementing some simple safety precautions. 

The campaign features two child-friendly characters, Boots and Brewster – a caped, cuddly bear and a googly-eyed teapot – who are presented in activity books for children ages 3-7 and 8-12. The entertaining duo leads children through the various rooms of a house, pointing out dangers and how to easily correct or avoid them. The coloring pages, word searches, cartoons and other activities are designed to grab children’s attention and present the information in a memorable, age-appropriate manner. In addition, tip sheets and other materials emphasize prevention of scalds and fire-related and electrical burns.

Shriners Hospitals has also created an animated video, Boots and Brewster: The Burn Awareness Pair, which kids are sure to enjoy. In the video, available on, Boots and Brewster take viewers on a fun and educational adventure to help them become more burn aware.  

Everyone concerned with keeping children safe is encouraged to participate in the yearlong campaign by visiting for burn prevention tips and information on how to order the free materials.

About Shriners International 

Shriners International, a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth, founded Shriners Hospitals for Children as its official philanthropy in 1922. What began as one hospital is now a world-renowned health care system with locations in three countries. The fraternity, which has nearly 200 chapters in several countries and thousands of clubs around the world, continues to support this unique health care system. For more information, please visit

About Shriners Hospitals for Children

Shriners Hospitals for Children is changing lives every day through innovative pediatric specialty care, world-class research and outstanding medical education. Our health care system provides advanced care for children with orthopaedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate. Shriners Hospitals for Children is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and relies on the generosity of donors. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. For more information, please visit

Shriners Hospitals for Children – Erie Receives Large Donation from Hypnotism Society

The Hypnotism Society of Pennsylvania was a non-profit organization. Like many organizations it lost membership and decided to shut its doors. They had funds left in their treasury and decided to donate it to the Shriners Hospitals for Children - Erie.

You would think that would be easy, but no, there are rules and procedures to shut down a non–profit organization and donate to another non-profit organization.

A couple of years ago the process started with Robert F. McCabe, Jr., ESQ starting to acquire the government forms needed to accomplish this task.

Just recently, Solicitor & Shrine Center Attorney Alexander H. Lindsay, ESQ had his group complete all the requirements to allow the Hypnotism Society to shut down and donate to Shriners Hospital.

Stan Malak spearheaded the closure of his Hypnotism organization and wanted all types of media attention to cover the check presentation. Trib Total Media was kind enough to share the news:

The Erie Hospital had another function that same day and was not able to attend, but two members from the Erie Hospital Board of Governors were present.

On December 11, 2019 the check was presented in the Syria Shrine Board room. Samuel Santini, Hypnotism Society President, presented a check to Dr. Barry Hootman, Md., Erie B.O.G. member. They were flanked by six smiling faces.

In the picture left to right are Terry Steinheiser, Syria Shrine High Priest & Profit, Alvin Douglas, Jr. B.O.G. Emeritus, Roadrunner Chairman, Samuel Santini Hypnosis President, Dr. Barry Hootman, Md., Erie B.O.G. member, Robert Addleman, Jr, .P.P., Recorder, and David Gardy, P.P. Treasurer.

Stan Malak, Hypnotism Society member, was behind the camera and camera shy.

On December 19, 2019 at the Erie B.O.G. board meeting Syria Shrine board members will present the check in the amount of $17,677.68.  A great donation to Shriners Hospitals for Children - Erie!

-Al Douglas