The Directors Staff unit is in charge of the stage for all of Syria’s ceremonials.

The unit takes part in several community parades throughout the Oasis, as well as MASA, where we have won numerous awards. The unit helps the Potentate at his request.

The Directors Staff was founded in 1968 when Squire T. Mair was Potentate. Its function was to plan, build and stage the stunts for Ceremonials, especially in the second section. In 1996, the stage crew merged into the Directors Staff.

We hold one monthly stated meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. We may hold other meetings throughout the year as decided by the Director.


Two Spaghetti Dinners per year to help raise funds for the unit and the Hospital System.
Potentate Party to honor the current Potentate for that year.
Family Picnic – open to all unit members and their family, as well as, all of Syria.
Christmas Party – open to all unit embers and, again, all of Syria

Prospective members must be in good standing with Syria Shrine.