Father’s Day Edition – Syria Shriners Covid 19 Response

We have entered the green phase of Pennsylvania's reopening and recovery plan, in all parts of our oasis. Time to make hay while the sun shines, at least from a fundraising standpoint. We need to sell Sportsman's Bash tickets, support and encourage our friends to join the fun on Thunder Thursdays Bike Nights, and read on for an exciting new fundraiser that will be critical to making the most of our fraternal fundraising opportunities this year.

Watch for additional communication, check our website at syriashriners.org, and follow our Facebook page for ongoing information as developments unfold.

>>You can view our ongoing coverage and news during the coronavirus pandemic at this link here

Happy Father's Day

Today is the day we set aside each year to honor our fathers and other important men in our lives. If you're fortunate enough to still have your father with you, and even though you may not be able to see him in person this year, please give him at least a virtual hug from all of us, and offer him the best wishes of all of us at Syria Shriners!


Syria Shriners, in conjunction with Moondog's & the StarLite Lounge, proudly presents Miller Lite Thunder Thursdays Bike Nights, all summer long in the spacious Pittsburgh Shrine Center Pavilion, continuing weekly through at least Sept. 3.


Gates open weekly at 6pm, and the live music begins at 7pm. We wrap things up on stage at 9pm, so you won't have to stay up past your bedtime to have a good time. The StarLite Lounge, featured on Food Network's Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives, will be on hand to feed you. A full bar will be available. All events are rain or shine. You know our pavilion is impervious to inclement weather, so the shows will go on, without regard to any raindrops we may see.


Attendance is limited to 250, so come early!

The Thunder rolls again this Thursday with the rockin' blues sounds of local favorites Shot O' Soul, a dynamic and entertaining six-person band that performs a diverse mix of the best blues, soul, and classic rock n roll in the Pittsburgh area! Shot O' Soul features double-barreled female/male lead vocals, and veteran musicians who have performed with some of our area's best known live music acts.

Check out Shot of Soul  on stage below.

Watch this space every week for more information on the bands, vendors, and other fun stuff in store.

Please do your best to support this series. Mark your calendar, tell your friends, and be sure to share on your social media accounts!



  • June 25 Shot O' Soul
  • July 2 The Nied's Hotel Band
  • July 9 The Shiners
  • July 16 Tina Daniels Band
  • July 23 Miss Fredeye
  • July 30 Curtis and the Shakers

Billy Price Brings His Soulful Blues Sound to the Pavilion Sunday July 26

The Pittsburgh Blues & Roots Festival was forced to cancel its annual two-day event this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we have a one-day cure for your blues on Sunday, July 26, when the award-winning Billy Price, nominated for two 2020 Blues Music Awards, returns to the Pittsburgh Shrine Center Pavilion for a Sunday revival.Enter your text here...

After first gaining international attention recording and touring with the late, great guitarist Roy Buchanan, Billy was a Pittsburgh mainstay for many years, and was a 2016 inductee to the Pittsburgh Rock N' Roll Legends hall of fame. After retiring from his "day gig" at CMU, Billy now hangs his hat and sunglasses in Baltimore, so he doesn't play too often in our area any more. You'll want to catch him while you can, and we've got him!

Billy is touring in support of his current release, Dog Eat Dog, which has garnered him two nominations (Best Soul Blues Album, Best Male Soul Blues Vocalist) for this year's Blues Music Awards.

General admission tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the gate. Showtime is 4pm. General admission opens at 3pm. Early entry tickets, at $25, get you in at 2:30pm, and your first drink is on the house!

A special guest will join Billy to open the show. Stay tuned for more details.

For more info on Billy, click the photo above.

Early entry, and advance tickets are available below.

Proceeds benefit Syria Shriners. Ticket price is NOT tax deductible

2020 CASH Give-A-Way Lottery Fundraiser

By Randy Hobaugh, Second Ceremonial Master

I would like to share with you a new Syria Shrine fundraiser that will replace our long-standing Car Raffle. For the past couple of years, the raffle ticket sales have been declining, and it’s time to introduce something new. With that said, this year we will be kicking off a $25,000 HOLIDAY CASH GIVE-A-WAY.

This lottery fundraiser will be given away during the week of Christmas.

Syria Holiday Cash Give-A-Way Ticket will be sold for $10 per ticket, with a total giveaway of $25,000.

The prizes will be awarded on the PA Lottery 7pm Daily Pick 4, and two numbers will be printed on each ticket. Prizes will be awarded as follows:

  • December 21 - $ 500
  • December 22 - $ 1,000
  • December 23 - $ 1,500
  • December 24 - $ 2,000
  • December 25 - $20,000 Grand Prize

We really need to sell all 5,000 tickets to optimize this fundraiser. We are very much hoping that everyone can buy and/or sell tickets to support this effort. Please do your best to help reduce our deficit, and avoid dues increases. 

Proceeds benefit Syria Shriners. Ticket price is NOT tax deductible

Please return ALL SOLD Sporstman's Bash stubs and money ASAP!

Please send all of your sold stubs and accompanying money immediately to:

Kenneth D. Stuart 1185 Astronaut Circle Pittsburgh, PA 15241

Our early bird drawing is Saturday, July 11. You will want to get your entry in for that drawing. Additionally, we need to get a better idea of where we stand with ticket sales at this point. Pandemic pandemonium has severely hampered our ticket selling efforts, along with all of our other fundraisers, and we need to make certain we maximize this critically important activity aimed at balancing our budget.

If you have tickets you don't think you can sell, please return them, so we can get them to someone who can get them sold before the early bird drawing. Please buy a ticket if you can afford it, even if the Sportsman's Bash is not your thing. Ken Stuart can mail you a ticket if you send him a check. Tickets can also be purchased through our website. Click the image above to get yours now!

Please be mindful of your social media presence and your posts

By Robert T. Addleman, Jr. PP, Recorder 

I recently received a call at the Shrine Center office from someone wanting to call our attention to what they believed to be inflammatory and racist posts on Facebook from one of our members whose profile picture portrays him wearing a fez, and who prominently wears his Masonic affiliations on his sleeve on his Facebook page. The caller believed that our member was speaking on behalf of all Syria Shriners with his posts. Of course, that is NOT the case, yet the implication is there.

While we are all entitled to freely express our opinions on any subject matter, I would ask that you keep a few things in mind;

  1. Does your profile picture and bio mention Shriners and Masonic organizations? If not, no worries. Flame away (but is it REALLY necessary as a Shrine Mason to do this?). If so, think long and hard about number 2 and number 3 below.
  2. Does your post reflect the values of Freemasonry and Shriners International? Not what you think they are or should be, but what our Grand Lodge and Imperial Council publish and what they teach. Chief among the teachings of both is the principle of tolerance and respect for others.
  3. Keep in mind that, as Masons and Shriners, we are particularly admonished never to discuss politics or religion in the Lodge or Temple. When we make public posts to social media we might well consider following the same guidelines.

Govern yourself accordingly. So mote it be.

Click the Grand Lodge seal above to read a recent letter from Bro. Thomas Gamon IV, Right Worshipful Grand Master, discussing this subject.

Butler Luncheon Club Resumes Activities

Dear fellow Nobles:

After a three month hiatus, we have finally received the approval from Syria Shriners to resume our weekly meeting for the Butler Shrine Luncheon Club! Hallelujah!

Accordingly, WE WILL RESUME ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, at 11:30 AM at American Legion Post #778, Kohler Ave., Lyndora.

We will necessarily be following the distancing guidelines as set forth by the Shrine and other authorities. We do ask that you wear a mask, except, of course, when we’re eating.

In addition, we are pleased to report that our Potentate will be our guest on July 29. That will be Ladies Day, and we’ll be meeting in the main room at American Legion Post #778.

If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact Secretary George Bonnett, at 724-287-5345.

We are certainly looking forward to resuming our meetings!

Yours Truly,
John R. Stokes

​​In Case You Missed It

With continuing support from Shriners Children'sTM, last night, for the 4,929th consecutive Saturday night, the show went on at the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville, featuring superstars Clint Black and Darius Rucker, keeping the music playing in Music City, once again without a live audience.  Click here and enjoy the show.

SC has kept the music playing the last 14 Saturdays. See all the shows here.

Pittsburgh Shrine Center Office Closure

The Pittsburgh Shrine Center office remains closed until further notice. Please keep our office and facilities staff, and our entire Syria Shriners family in your prayers. We all need to remember each other during this trying period. Call your fellow Shriners, and look after their well-being. Run errands to the grocery or drug store if your situation allows, and theirs does not.

Pittsburgh Shrine Center Reopening

Units, Caravans and Clubs may now meet in the Pittsburgh Shrine Center.

In keeping with the Grand Master's directive of May 15, you must continue to practice physical distancing, and follow all guidelines from the CDC, state and local public health authorities. Accordingly, for now, gatherings are limited to a maximum of 250 people. Please be certain to maintain a clean and safe environment in our building and on our grounds.

Rescheduled Events

Canceled & Postponed Events not yet rescheduled

The MASA convention, scheduled for September 9-12 in Virginia Beach has been canceled.

The Butler Shrine Luncheon Club and Butler Caravan 14 picnic, scheduled for Wednesday, June 24, has been canceled.

The fall Night at the Races fundraiser, scheduled for Saturday, September 19, has been canceled.



Springdate Firemen's Fair - June 26

Independence Day

We've gone Green, What does that mean?

Here's a summary from WESA-FM of what's open, and what the "new rules" are. Click here: What's open? Do I have to wear a mask?

Taking care of ourselves and each other

Let's make sure we look out for each other as we navigate our way through the "new normal." While we practice physical distancing, let's be sure no one goes without vital social contact. Reach out to your fellow Nobles, Lodge Brothers, friends, family and neighbors. If your situation allows, run an errand to the grocery store, pharmacy or other essential business for someone who can't, or really shouldn't, be leaving their home right now. And while you're at it, be sure to take proper precautions like those below.

​Stay Informed!

There is so much misinformation being shared on social media and by email. Do yourself, and all of us a favor, and go right to a trusted source for your information. Please don't pass along things your seen posted or things you've been sent unless they have come directly from a legitimate public health or government authority. Click on the image to the left to visit the federal government's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, FEMA and the White House at coronavirus.gov.

Syria Shriners

Founded in 1877, Syria Shriners is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. Our fraternity is open to men of integrity from all walks of life.

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