From the Recorder’s Desk: Back from Imperial Session with Full Sails
I always return from an Imperial Session inspired by the great things Shriners do, both in advancing our fraternity and our philanthropy, and the amazing things our patients are able to accomplish with our help.
This year, however, I am even more inspired after my return by a fellow Noble who always finds a way to fill my sails, even when his own might benefit from a breeze of fair winds.
Noble John Clark is exemplary of the indomitable spirit and strength of character we admire in all Freemasons and Shriners.
Noble John has been battling insidious cancers for the last five years. He has never complained, always persisted, and never asked, “Why me”? He simply continues to defy the odds day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year.
Our Brother, you see, seems to have embraced what he sees as his latest mission from God: To serve as an example and inspiration to those of us who face our own obstacles in life.
Talking with John this past week has amplified the good vibrations I picked up in Music City. He has reminded me how wonderful life is, and how much better it is when you’re a Shriner!
Thanks, John, my dear friend and Brother. You are truly an inspiration to all of us!
All the best, and yours in the faith,