Imperial Potentate Defers to Grand Masters on Temple Activities
Nobles - Please click here to see the March 18 memorandum from Noble John C. Piland, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Shriners International, regarding decisions of Grand Masters of Masons in jurisdictions where Shriners International subordinate Temples operate.
The Imperial Potentate is essentially deferring to Grand Masters in terms of Temple activities, under the umbrella of Masonic activities, placing his trust in local authorities to do what is right in and for their respective areas.
You can view the letter of March 12 from the R.W. Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania by clicking here.
If you had activity scheduled of which we were unaware, you should immediately take action to cancel or postpone. If you need help communicating that information, send it to me at syriarecorder@gmail.com, and I will disseminate it for you.
I apologize for the volume of emails we are sending you. We are simply doing our best to keep you informed, and that is requiring frequent communication at the moment on behalf of our various constituencies.
Yours in the faith,
Robert T. Addleman, Jr., P.P.