Syria Shrine RV Club

​The Syria Recreational Vehicle Club (SRVC) is a camping organization within the Shrine. It was founded in 1977, when Illustrious Sir Frederick T. Hiller, P.P., was Potentate, with six nobles who had either a motor home or a travel trailer.

Membership currently has 22 Nobles and their Ladies and children. Membership is open to any Noble in good standing. RV ownership is not required.

The SRVC meets six times a year from May through October at the RV Parking Lot located at the Syria Shrine Center.

A usual campout begins on Thursday and ends on Sunday. We usually plan a dinner at one of the area restaurants for anyone that wants to go.

Evenings are enjoyed by the campfire, socializing or playing games. Saturday evenings we have some type of fellowship and enjoy dinner together at the campfire.

During one of the weekends, we'll have the Potentate visit. Another one. we have a Toy Bash.

Any noble interested in joining, please call Don Balla, SRVC Secretary @ 724-443-6665.